8. I use blogging as therapy

8. I use blogging as therapy

Thank you, Tim Dennig

Table of contents

To learn how to write in English better, I also read. So a few days ago I found Tim Dennig's article on medium.com writing about why and how he writes.

Among other things and advice, there is one I like most: "I use blogging as therapy".

This one suits me most of all. I understand my urge to write the same way. It is therapy to me. I feel fine when I write. All daily clouds on my mind are washed away. I just feel fine.

Have to or must

Not so long ago I was talking to Mirko about the sense in my business life. It is really fine to design websites, and go to my work at the Faculty of Science, write some content for the websites of my local business friends but it goes just to the limit of "have to" or "must".

Helping people is my mindset. I am a helper.


Mirko witnessed once and always told a story when he spotted me talking to a man in the car. First, he stopped to wait for me thinking I know a man in the car. I was explaining the route to this man. When I realized that he won't be able to find his way I enter his car and drow away to show him the route.

Mirko was standing as he later told me in disbelief what had just happened.

Mirko now always tells this story as for him, an unbelievable anecdote.

It was not the first time for me to do this kind of stuff. For me, it is a reflex. The normal thing is to help others. But in the last few months when I struggled with the meaning of business life, this anecdote keeps coming to me.

I am a helper.

So, now I am helping myself. I write. I am a technical writer.

And Mirko?

You know, Mirko is my friend and an IT company owner.